Things you need to know about Dajjal! Everything a Muslims needs to know about Dajjal.


Hazrat Imam Mehdi will be the first one to come, Who will rule the Muslim world,
 After the death of Al-Mahdi, Hazrat Isa(Jesus) will assume leadership. This is a time associated with the Islamic narrative with universal peace and justice. Islamic texts also allude to the appearance of Ya'juj and Ma'juj (known also as Gog and Magog, ancient tribes that will disperse and cause disturbance on earth). Allah, in response to Jesus' prayers, will kill them by sending a type of worm in the napes of their necks and send large birds to carry and clear their corpses from the land.Jesus' rule is said to be around forty years, after which he will die. Muslims will then perform the funeral prayer for him and then bury him in the city of Medina in a grave left vacant beside Muhammad, Abu Bakr, and Umar (companions of Muhammad and the first and second Sunni caliphs (Rashidun) respectively.
Hazrat Isa (Jesus) will rule for 40 years more or less during his rule Dajjal will come who'll be killed by Jesus.


Dajjal will be a creature in the form of a human who'll be one eye blind. A prominent (Kafara) will be written on his forehead. He'll proclaim himself as God. He'll travel every single place on earth (excluding Makkah and Madina),In just 40 days.
Talking about his transport (DONKEY) whose one step would be equal to the traveling of one day.


He'll have the power of doing many miracles, Curing of  Leprosy 
He'll order the clouds to rain and it'll rain, Miracles same as Hazrat Isa(A.S)
He'll cut a human in two and revive both.
He'll create human dead parents and relatives to insist him to believe him as God.

Existence or Birth?

Now here we have different opinions and references,
1:One kid was born in Hazrat Muhammad   period who had many similarities to Dajjal and extraordinary powers as able to see at his back without turning. Hazrat Umar (R.A) asked to kill. To which Hazrat Muhammad replied," Hazrat Isa will kill him if he is the one".
2: Hazrat Tamim Dari R.A went on a voyage, who met a storm during and got onto an island where there was no one except one creature who told him to meet someone inside the island
There he saw another mighty creature which was human alike  which was tied with chains and robes
They both had a chat in which the creature asked"Is their water in the pacific ocean to which sahabi replied, "yes"
The creature said, "there will be a time soon when there will be no water in the pacific".
(when yajooj majooj will come they drink all the water in the world)
 Then he said I am Dajjal, Allah has constrained me for now but I’ll be free soon.
When sahabi retured Prophet  told this thing to everyone present there. 

  • All this information is in the light of QURAN and HADES
  • Information from Dr. Israr speech
